Proteus NoEndo Micro 24-Column Kit

Product Code : GEN-NoE24Micro

Brand : Protein Ark

Price: $ 400.00

Proteus NoEndoµ (Micro) 24 column kit (includes 2.4 ml NoEndo™ resin vial)



Contents: 1 x 0.2 ml NoEndo Resin Vial, 2 Spin Columns and 4 Centrifuge Tubes.



The NoEndo μ columns incorporate a SelfSeal membrane technology which retains the NoEndo resin and sample in the batch incubation chamber. The NoEndo μ are suitable for microfuges which can accommodate sample volumes up to 0.6 ml. The membrane is specially formulated to prevent any sample from leaking into the collection tube on an orbital mixer. In a centrifuge, the membrane pores dilate and the eluate, free of endotoxin, passes into the collection tube. The contact time is maximized to ensure maximum endotoxin depletion without losses of the target protein, antibody or domain antibody. Uniquely, there is also no dilution of the sample.